part 2! the ensemble stars characters that are least desirable for marriage!

exploded mao

hello everyone and welcome back! this time, we're going over the ensemble stars characters that were voted to be LEAST desirable for marriage. you can see the results for the most desirable to marry over here.

here are some notes:

  • for this part of the survey, i decided to include every character regardless of circumstance. nobody is safe and i love chaos!
  • The Council and i made sure to filter out responses that were too inflammatory or offensive in order to keep this as civil as possible, especially considering the subject on hand.

by the way, son did not write the rest of this article! that's because son bit off more than she could chew... this article was actually automated in python by @mp39s! everyone go thank them!

and now, let's get started!

54TH PLACE -- TSUKASA SUOU (0 votes)

Tsukasa Suou
"rip bozos lmao"


53RD PLACE -- YUTA AOI (1 votes)

occasionally id mix him up with his brother and it would be really embarrassing cause im not that smart. also hes in his rebellious phase and i cant handle that

53RD PLACE -- HINATA AOI (1 votes)

too much like my sister

53RD PLACE -- HIIRO AMAGI (1 votes)

You will eat omelette rice every single day

49TH PLACE -- KURO KIRYU (2 votes)

I dunno...

He is Mt rival and I hope he dies (son note: for context i believe this person is in love with madara)


too judgmental </3

he fills me with pure RAGE and ANGER. i DESPISE him. i hope he BURNS IN HELL for all eternity :3c

(son note: Whoever submitted that last one, please sleep with one eye open tonight. Unbelievable. How dare you talk about my son that way. You better apologize to my eepsy tootsit this instant.)


Would possibly break furniture trying new ninja techniques.

46TH PLACE -- NAZUNA NITO (3 votes)

thats my mom . no


too poor to buy him meats for the rest of his life.

I haven't eaten meat in 2 years head in hands he deserves better

i'm vegan

44TH PLACE -- HAJIME SHINO (4 votes)

his niichan and boyfrjends i mean friends will kill me if i hurt him


Apparently, marrying into the Oukawa family requires beating Kohaku's father in a physical fight. I am not up to this.

he's a fucking baby

It's canon that to marry into the Oukawa family you have to fight the person you want to marry AND their father and personally I want to keep my life

oh i think he'd be fine but he's so cute i'd probably explode early on.

44TH PLACE -- JUN SAZANAMI (4 votes)

call of duty player

when i saw the spp where he thrusted his hips i lost all attraction

"That would make you a princess too! But I am Jun's one and only princess~!" ーHiyori Tomoe

we all saw what he did in the snake hybrid au fic


naru is the perfect wife actually. here's the real problem


My SIL is being overbearing and controlling. I recently married my lovely wife (18F), we can call her A. Her family is great for the most part, except for her sister (19M), called I. He's the most nitpicky person I've ever met and I knew this going into the relationship but he's gotten even worse since we got married. He always looks at me like I'm not good enough for her (which I agree with, no one is good enough for A) but he's always giving me a stink eye. They're both successful models, but I am not the most fashionable person around, so he goes after my fashion the most, saying stuff A should not be seen with you in public. Luckily, he lives in Florence with his boyfriend, L, most of the time so I can get away from most of it. I've talked to A about this and while she's tried to tell him off, he's not very cooperative since he's older and thinks he's in the right. They're both very important to each other and going NC wouldn't be realistic since they work together a lot.

Anyways, is there any way for me to appease him? Family dinners are getting awkward.*

listen arashi is great n amazing and i think she is simply show stopping. HOWEVER. i dont know if i can deal with having izumi as an in law. so i think she deserves better.

she's the perfect woman but i don't want izumi sena at my wedding bc the ceremony would end with us in a duel until one of us dies, changing the trajectory of the lives of everyone present

41ST PLACE -- NAGISA RAN (5 votes)

Is he a great person? Absolutely. I love Nagisa. He's beautiful and brutally honest (which is a quality I tend to appreciate), however this man's hyper fixations are so strong that he would gift you nice jewelry for some special occasion and end up staring at the stone more than you. That's fine on the first few dates — cute even — but when it gets to your fifth year anniversary, you've probably heard all about how every single crystal is formed.

i would be 80 years old by the time he finishes stating his wedding vows

Honestly, this was really hard to answer because the correct answer is a lot of them considering how wild they are heh. To keep it simple I'm gonna go with Nagisa because this dude talks deep but is a literal baby. The major disadvantage to marrying him would most likely be communication. It's gonna play out in the way that you (well maybe not you but I personally) would not understand the points he's trying to make, so how on earth are you gonna progress in your relationship. That is unless you really know him (like hiyori ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ), but that will of course still take a while.

Honestly I just don't think he'll know what to do??? Like at all. And I don't mean in the bedroom just dealing with ppl in general, you basically gonna be married to what Ibara thinks a good husband will be after he has to teach him

41ST PLACE -- MAO ISARA (5 votes)

me, you and steve by garfunkel and oates

My friend likes him

this bitch is going to overwork himself and explode before he even finds a girlfriend

the second wife may not approve of me

38TH PLACE -- KOGA OOGAMI (6 votes)

i think hed be ok but also under a full moon i would have to lock my door at night


hello no

spent too much money on dog food

38TH PLACE -- HIYORI TOMOE (6 votes)

I think he would rather marry himself

If I don't go shopping with him when he wants to I think I'll get divorced and he'll go shopping with Jun

hes too pretty. i dont want my husband outshining me on our wedding day

i would only marry for the money then kill him to get more money


bro has a shadow the hedgehog hair. no hate but not for me

i don't want to pressure him more

i got kicked out of my dorm 3 times yesterday because someone set off the fire alarm... i dont think i could live a whole life of that

with his cooking skills i would have to wake up to "aurora borealis" in the kitchen every day


I would talk about his dad too much on dates with him

the meeting the parents date will end our relationship

Actually I like him but I don't think his parents would accept a person like me

he's too sane for any of us


Is my child going to be the next himemiya butler?

if me and tori were both falling off a building he would save tori in a heartbeat and let me die

I don't think I'd be able to handle taking care of Tori

I’m messy and also not Tori

Because he'll care abt tori more than his lover, does that make sense idk


im picking him bc we have beef now. what does this old man have that i dont arashi,, im sm better than him

she infodumps me about Super Idol Jin in the middle of our date

i didnt actually know who to choose so 😭😭

this man has the sight and hearing is godly what happens if i wanna talk shit about him and he hears me and sends me to sleep on the couch dawg 😭😭😭

akiomi wont even hold you in bed. he'll be cuddling his 7 foot tall body pillow of jin. it's almost like jin is there.


He would run everywhere and wreck the house. I'd also get tired of eating bread everyday

I love him but hes too squishy to get married

You would spend more time trying to catch him running and jumping off walls like he's from a parkour game instead of actually talking to him

Idk I feel like he's just too childish, at least for now TT he's cute but I just can't see him that way

he's the baby not the husband

can't go shopping with him everyone will ask me to calm my son down

Dash dash☆


Isn't he too baby?.?? Like look at him! I can't think about wedding, all i got is him being my first son??? Like??

He will HuHu where I can't follow

This is the my nephew that I'm not directly related to but still call him nephew. I buy him fortnite Vbucks and he shows me his mimecraft builds

Sora, you are Son. Keep HaHeHiHoHu-ing, don't worry about other things

30TH PLACE -- NIKI SHIINA (10 votes)

Niki Shiina
niki sweetie who did this to you...

he would EAT you like i love niki but. imagine becoming a michelin star meal 💀

no space for marriage he wld attend his own wedding for the food

I'd get made to sleep on the couch because Rinne will not leave.

He's perfectly fine really but I Also need to eat as much as he does and I don't know if we'd be able to afford all that we need. I imagine it's as much a deal-breaker for him as it is me...

Nothing against niki He's great but rinne,,,

niki gives more big brother vibes to me anyway,,

if he ever made me dinner or breakfast he'd go in for a small taste while hes making it and not leave me anything except for crumbs

Nah bruh he will devour the all the food, especially the cake😭


Subaru is so annoying, and everyone agrees with this. He's insensitive and more, I would continue, however the list is too long.

Subaru's like the type of guy whose nine year old past self would form a connection with you in the "future" using the collective consciousness. Like you just wake up one day and you hear his voice in your head and it's his nine year old voice and you're like eighteen and he's asking you to save his dad from dying. And also eighteen year old Subaru is right in front of you while eight year old Subaru is speaking in your head. I hope that made sense. This is why I wouldn't marry Akehoshi Subaru of Trickstar Enstars fame.

Coin stealer

Normally I would say Eichi, because he is a bastard man, but at least if you married him you’re marrying rich. Jin is the next obvious choice, but that’s not a fun answer. So, I pick Subaru. Because that is not a man- that is a crow. And while corvids are awesome- I don’t want to marry a bird.


would eat my life savings because theyre shiny and because of that we'd never be able to get a mortgage

28TH PLACE -- ANZU (11 votes)

you will have 49 people at your doorstep when you propose to her

I love her but like if I do one thing wrong I will be labeled as ES public enemy number one.

don't deserve her

i love her

"Girlie has 49 idols around her, her standards are HIGH

Will most likely be busy with work and/or arrange meetings, outfits, stage arrangements, being a therapist, schedules, collabs within ES, and another 200 things I can't be bothered to mention "

she's too good for me

i respect her too much


Let me start this by saying that this is the LEAST ready for marriage. I am not here to say that Midori is unable to have a wonderful relationship/marriage, especially because some of the reasons I will be mentioning are things that I can relate to, and I am very happy in my current relationship. Mental illness does not mean somebody cannot date, but this is the least ready, not "should not be in a relationship"

Midori has shown clear signs of mental illness throughout the story, even making it clear that they're suicidal. While this in of itself isn't a reason as many characters have been shown to experience mental health issues, it does lead us to show that their mental state isn't getting much better since they were first introduced.

Let's use Leo for an example in the infamous story "Checkmate". Leo is shown to be extremely mentally unwell, going to extreme, unhealthy methods of coping, relying on Izumi for stability (and vice versa) and eventually, running away, leaving Izumi to believe he failed to ""protect"" him. As a result, Izumi tells himself he won't let this happen again and becomes obsessive over Makoto.

Within these examples however, it should be noted that the majority of the conflict that surrounded this has been handled. Makoto and Izumi are on good terms now, and Izumi and Leo have been working on moving on from their past. They work on it, want to work on it and their work shows.

Now, when we take Midori however, there really isn't much that shows that they've been working on their current mental state, nor does it show that they plan on working on it. I don't know enough about their character to put the ""emotionally unavailable"" label on them, but it should be mentioned that as time goes on, this will only get worse. Mental illness isn't something that can go away within the blink of an eye, and a support system cannot fully replace therapy.

Once again, I am not here to say they cannot be in a relationship, nor is this all to Midori's character. However, out of this entire cast, I do believe that Midori being the least ready makes the most sense, at least in my mind.

she’s one of those girls with the absurdly large squishmellow collection that takes up an entire room and then the whole bed and then the whole house

is depression contagious??

i just want to help get her closer and closer to going on estrogen (son note: real)

26TH PLACE -- KEITO HASUMI (13 votes)

Green and looks like nerd emoji. Would say "Um, actually…"

He would chooses his glasses first and you are just the second.

He loves yaoi manga more than me

I think we would need marriage counseling the second he opened his mouth to say his vows

I feel like I will hear the endless noise of vampire shogun lore

see he's not the least desirable for me but i am the least desirable for him because i will defo pull an eichi and steal his doujinshi to read as my bedtime stories :3

26TH PLACE -- MAKOTO YUUKI (13 votes)


He looks like a minion.........

Gamer. What if one day i came back home from work and saw him play genshin impact? Immediate divorce


gamer boyfriend is funny. gamer husband is a bit...

wedding money will be turned into league or val skins ….

I think everyone is suitable but I dont want to marry someone which somes with the grudge of having Izumi Sena probably trying to k word me every single day of my life, thanks.

24TH PLACE -- SEIYA HIDAKA (14 votes)

abandoned his son would probably abandon me too

i want a milf, not a dilf

He looks gay

dear god.

hes already a husband and a dad and is failing miserably. The only thing good about him is his genes.

i'm not a homewrecker

I mean... look at Hokke. Lonely and traumatized. You don't need that.

if im going to be a homewrecker i want the milf not the dilf


Chiaki would be the worst person to marry, now hear me out on this. My reason why is misogyny. Yes, Chiaki ‘Misogyny' Morisawa, would be the worst husband. He expects you to stay home, cook, and clean. He would also try to be heroic in every situation to the point it'd be embarrassing for his partner. Imagine being mugged and he jumps in and goes on about justice? Chiaki would see his partner as unfit to defend themselves, despite being barely able to defend them.

Does not separate laundry by light and dark colours

i'm sorry feminism

He would turn every single one of his ranger figures around to face the wall before we get down to business, which would take about fifteen minutes, killing the mood instantly.

i lvoe him but hes also the worlds first absent transmasc father so

misogynist, WILL be making YOU do all the cooking & cleaning ☹️

hes annoying id beat the shit out of him

The day after the wedding he would be confused why I hadn’t woken up early to clean the house and make him lunches and would say that it’s “my job” to do that for him

22ND PLACE -- RITSU SAKUMA (16 votes)

,,, i don't know, but I'd say no to him

too smitten for mao

im anemic

would probably drink all of my blood at the honeymoon (horrible way to die)


He'd tell me to kill myself the same day my Sertraline prescription runs out and then skip my funeral under the assumption that he'd be able to reanimate my corpse, but like, I wouldn't want to haunt him anyways so

love my horrible wife who wants to kill me so so bad

i cannot bring myself to imagine marrying someone who unironically calls me "kittEN~" like? okay you little mega virgin discord mod

Imagine coming back from grocery shopping and seeing a ritual circle in your living room

ah yes me and my witch wife doing whatever the hell she wants but something went wrong during a spell so we divorced

This man would put a curse on me if I even slightly upset him !! He is definitely not desirable for marriage but that's ok he's still a little meow meow to me

I'd immediately file a divorce if he calls me 'little kitten'

20TH PLACE -- KAORU HAKAZE (20 votes)

sigmund freud's wet dream

i fucking hate blond epeople.

none of these people are suitable for marriage

i could never be his mother

I know he'd rather sniff women and I am a man but I do not want to be sniffed for like a dog working at an airport if I am lost at an IKEA because that place is like a maze and I have lost my mom multiple times just looking at the blåhaj plushies

I think he would get on my nerves but I mean this in a funny way

He will cheat on you and eat Souma's fish without asking. I will never forgive him. Garbage man.


in 10 years when hes grown his spouse will come home from their entry level salaried job and aira will be like "honey you'll never guess who got called out today for being a problematic fan on twitter. they sent me anon hate and everything" and then they'll be filled with regret

why would you marry a twitter user

just no

Will never love me as much as his roommates

canon aside, blows all the funds on idol merch we are bankrupt and our house is foreclosed

imagine u go into ur partners house for the first time and you see pictures of. idk chuu loona all over the walls, on the bookcase with the albums and photocard albums. they say its time for bed and they pull out the chuu loona bedset like they have for lightning McQueen and you have to go sleep looking at chuu's face for the rest of ur life because you quite literally cannot avoid her. love aira and chuu though❤

18TH PLACE -- JIN SAGAMI (21 votes)

He's a pos. Also hed forget we were married and come back 6 years later being like "hi youre my wife right? nice to meet you."

He'd care more about what's infront of him than care about me. Our marriage would be a marriage of convenience and not love

He'd love Akiomi more

Hes just...

is jin. thats all.


If I proposed to him, he would go along with the marriage and be a loving spouse until like 6 months in when he decides to turn it into a challenge where he tries to make me despise him because he's spontaneously become insecure and then gaslit himself into thinking he never cared at all, and honestly the emotional labor of this arrangement would far outweigh the tits. I'm not looking for more trauma from another Mama. Just one is good.

I think if you start a family with him, something like "Breaking Bad" will happen.

He would force you to hold his hand for hours he would be gripping your hand so much you would never be able to escape he is DESPERATE for hands you're not safe

he has so many issues there isnt enough paper in the world to write all of them down on he needs to figure his shit out before ever getting married like oh my god madara you should get married to a therapy chair not me

i feel like he would go missing without explanation and twenty months later id see him on tv performing in some place i didnt know existed

he'll ghost you and tell you about how he doesn't deserve to be in your sparkling world and then get on a plane and be uncontactable for months. tbh forget marriage, can you even date him for longer than a few months?

listen im a mam and df stan but i think his sense of duty just gets in the way of how he perceives others in like a white and black kinda thing and hes so used to being alone that he probs dont know how to recieve affection but ofc i wont dismiss the fact that hes made progress on those departments but i feel as though we should give him a few more years before anything like romantic relationships HELP THIS GOT A BIT LONG anyway thanks for listening💞💞

i love him but he needs to sort out his kamen rider kin feelings before he starts getting into legally binding agreements

i think madara would be wonderful with marriage if her problems got fixed. but that has not happened

he is actually my favorite character but i think his intimacy issues require minimum 10 years of therapy plus another 10 years of therapy for the family trauma. He also is bound to get arrested and idk he is just a liability. Great boobs tho.

16TH PLACE -- REI SAKUMA (22 votes)

he fits being a girlfriend too much to ever get married

i wouldnt be capable of living the real life of a vampire x y/n fanfiction. i cant pretend like im drinking his blood i just cant. i know he wants a good person to roleplay that vampire bachelor life but i cant provide it

no words needed for this guy

he would be SO insufferable . No Rei I'm Not Putting A Coffin In Our Fucking 2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Apartment

Hes so losercore like he wud drop the dishes, kick over my plants and then tear up abt it. He doesnt do shit aound the house other than gardening and he doesnt even grow useful plants for cooking and shit and he doesnt mow the lawn either. He just reads on the couch all day or plays candy crush while drinking wine in his little robe. (I love him though)

ritsu will always be his priority even after you married him

i could not handle being with rei. you could pay me ANY amount of money, anything, but i would never do as much as lay a finger on this man. bro sleeps in a COFFIN, and he drinks expired tomato juice. not to mention, if i were to (hypothetically) live with him, it would be in an icebox 😭

Even if he's my fave as of now, I don't think we'll work out bc we both have little iron in us. Personally, I just don't find the chara I relate to as desirable for marriage.

Restraining order


wet :(

Wet >:(

please stop soaking in my clothes.... i need those for tomorrow :(......

im a cat

i don't want any of that in my house

I can't pay for the water bills unfortunately and I will not drive 10 km to go to the beach and stare at him floating in the sea "girl help I'm drowning" damn that's a you problem undrown yourself.

I would go insane mopping every square inch of the house and slipping on every puddle. No amount of air fresheners or diffuser sticks would get rid of the fish smell

Water bill :(

Listen i love kanata but there is absolutely no way he would be a good spousw...... my boy would take a bath in the washinf machine ^_^

16TH PLACE -- WATARU HIBIKI (22 votes)

I think if we ever divorce his pigeons will eat me alive

imagine at 9PM, suddenly a big helicopter appear in front of our house and he jump from the helicopter and shout AMAZING☆ how to explain this to the complaining neighbor

I'm scared of clowns

he keeps writing love letters to eichi and sighing dramatically as he sends them off INFRONT of me 😒

imagine being on your honeymoon and getting suicide notes from eichi in the mail

I feel like everyday would be a lot of fun but eventually I'll never be able leave the house because Wataru somehow turned it into a maze and every time I find the room or door I need to get to, he'd yell out AMAZING with all his birds and fanfare. That would scare me shitless at night if I just wanted a little midnight snack but all of a sudden I hear that and see his birds and hair moving in the dark thinking my house has turned into The Mortuary Assistant (game).

13TH PLACE -- KANAME TOJO (23 votes)

You're at least wife #3. What else is there to say.

YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME I TYPED A WHOLE ESSAY IN THE OTHER RESPONSE BOX THINKING THAT WAS THE ONLY THING BYE. Ummm anyways. Now you may be wondering why I chose my current oshi as the worst husband but again. Hear me out. Again, I'm probably wrong in quite a few places but this is just how I've interpreted the information I have 😭

The way he handled relationships (from what we've seen) is generally unhealthy. He clings to people when they show him any love at all, and this is because of his past with his mother and what he's experienced. He'll do anything for the people he loves, and while this can be seen as a good thing, it can also be extremely harmful for him because he has no form of boundaries. He simply does as told, because he's afraid that his loved ones will stop loving him. While these are both good traits in moderation, he's overly obsessive with being and doing what everyone wants from him, leading him to have no will of his own. This is especially dangerous because it's what can, and will, cause him to develop a codependent relationship with who he loves. He could easily be taken advantage of, by the wrong person, and he likely wouldn't argue at all. By the end of Obbligato, he does change a bit and show some more will of his own, but he's still very much in danger of being manipulated by those he trusts and it would not be healthy for him to be in a relationship, or married, when he's like this.

Personally though, I also think that if he's shown genuine love and is cared for, he could be able to reach a healthier relationship with love in general. He'd have to learn that people do love him regardless of what he does, and that it's ok if he isn't perfect or doesn't do everything they ask of him. When he feels more secure in his relationships, he can start to be more comfortable with expressing himself. I can see that he's very caring and would absolutely do anything for his loved ones, but he needs to work on his overall perspective of relationships before he can get into a relationship or be married.

This really doesn't change the fact that I still love him a lot just... I hope he gets the love he deserves... I'm not completely sure about this, because I'm pretty sure I dreamed it up, but I feel like it's likely that his relationship with his mother could have been composed of her projecting what she wants in a man onto him (which is another theory for another day). But in any case, I don't think he's fit for romantic relationships or marriage just yet. He'd likely cause himself more harm than good, and I just hope he can see this and realize that he doesn't have to obsess over being perfect for others anymore.

his brother, for better or for worse

13TH PLACE -- TSUMUGI AOBA (23 votes)

we would be grocery shopping together and an anvil would drop from the heavens, killing me instantly. at my cremation, someone would catch fire.


boobs rival mines :/ self conscious

he just looks like that

Love her but she's crazy!

This man will mess up the marriage vows and go "hehe gommenne producer-chan (⁠⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠⁠)" and accidentally eternally dooms our marriage. Occultic

i just think it would be a disaster. god bless

Tsumugi reminds me too much of a sopping wet cat


he would be happy to live in a cardboard box outside if with a loved one. i would not. mental illness

this guy's vibes are kinda off lol

cant even get bitches even if he wanted to.

Tsumugi is a malewife but he is NOT marriage material. This guy spends so much time in the office he literally sleeps there. He hasn't been home in weeks. And every time he DOES come home he brings one or more of his weird friends (the two wizard ones you think might have cursed you, that vampire guy who passed out on your couch for 3 hours in the middle of the day, the French one, Eichi Tenshouin). And that isn't even including the Issues. This man has so many problems. You asked him to do the dishes and he told you that humanity isn't required to live like what does that even mean??? Please go see a therapist.


(son note: tatsumiPs we listened to yall so here are some responses that don't mischaracterize him)

he will insist in having a romantic drive around the city and knowing this mans driving skills, i'll end up waking up in heaven

I'm going to be doing all the driving in this household

I am banned from my local church…

i'm muslim

he killed two people. hate tatsumi, hate his mole.

10TH PLACE -- MIKA KAGEHIRA (26 votes)

I would never be Mika's no1 in his life, imagine living under Itsuki Shu's shadow

Remember when he tried to bury his roommate alive

I do not mean any of this disrespectfully but genuinely there is no character that I dislike more. For one, why marry a guy who has a boyfriend? Literally you'd end up in hand to hand combat against Shu if you ever hurt him (actually maybe this is a positive, I could absolutely take shu in a good old fashioned Turkish oil wrestle). Also. He. Imagine getting home and that creature (/neg) is there. Do you feel joy? Relief? Absolutely not. I feel immense, uncontrollable rage whenever I see him (../hj) I'd rather sleep outside everyday instead of with him I don't trust him. Also I (I may be wrong) think when shu went to his apartment in that one story it was a bombsite and it was covered in junk. Do you really want a man who doesn't pick up after himself? No. The room would smell terrible like cat litter. Also, he resembles a cat. I am allergic to cats. Idk if you can be allergic to humans but I really wouldn't be surprised if I was allergic to Mika. He looks like the type to not shower unless me (or shu) made him. I don't like men who don't shower. To conclude, I apologize if you like Mika but I cannot stand him and would not be able to tolerate a marriage. We would get divorced before it even happened.

Introducing him to people would be like "This is my partner Mika, and his spouse Shu Itsuki."

I'll never be his oshi-san. We'd be on a date and he'd receive a text or call and would immediately excuse himself to run to his side, sure he'd try to make it up to me but let's be honest, this man is already married to his unit partner, I never had a chance in the first place

i get that we woobify this dude but he’s extremely deranged one oshisan uttered in my presence and i will resort to violence

"shu shu shu shu shu shu shu"

9 PLACE -- IBARA SAEGUSA (27 votes)

he held me at gunpoint and made me do the entire crazy roulette choreography. im not attracted to blackmail.

i dont wanna marry a financebro it's for my Mental Health

i will not third wheel my own relationship with idol stock.

just print more money

im anticapitalist

how can I let my wife be prettier than me

hey babe why cant we print more money (files for divorce)

i dont like his face

I think even if we were lovingly married for 10 years+ I feel like he would eventually convince himself I'm better off with someone else and try really hard to gaslight me into believing it. And I just can't handle that drama

8TH PLACE -- MAYOI AYASE (28 votes)

he would be hiding from me in the walls the entire marriage 😭

You'd come home from work like "honey I'm home" and he'd fall through the ceiling shaking like a wet cat on the side of the street "OH HEY HONEY"

3/4 of the casts are unmarriable so I used a roulette to pick this one

I am not a therapist god bless 🙏🏻

can someone give me a single reason why mayoi would be a good character to marry

dont get me wrong he deserves love and happiness, but i just feel like he wouldnt show up to the wedding unless he could do it over facetime

I’m stuck between Sena and Mayoi, tbh I feel like Sena would be better because he nags you and it is his way of showing affection(?) I don’t like people who nags , they remind me of my dad (irl) and I don’t like that but like look at sena’s unhealthy obsession with Makoto. He went as far as kidnapping him and I don’t want to explain more because I don’t know if this thing has a word limit or not but for mayoi he might be good but at the same time maybe not. I don’t like his habit of living in the vents I think it is dirty)?$ honesty if I were to marry him I would make him sleep on the bed, considering how he acts sometimes he needs some fixing I would love to fix him I love mayoi but I would not marry him whatsoever sorry for bad grammar btw

would go on a self-deprecating rant and then drop dead if u asked her to marry u

7TH PLACE -- HiMERU (29 votes)

Ariadne%29 Himeru
whatever. more for me. bozos.

i do not think HiMERU is capable of love he runs on hate alone

could you imagine having sex with himeru?? "HiMERU will now fuck you. Fufu HiMERU is quite turned on" hell no

he doesnt let things go he'd still remember that time i ate his snacks 3 years ago

this man has a long-standing grudge/ revenge plan on behalf of his younger brother. imagine being married to him. "honey how was your day" "oh i spent approximately 5 hours stewing on the guy who i blame for getting my brother hurt." a) that's kinda homoerotic b) how are u supposed to maintain a relationship like that?? he doesn't even come home for dinner. we haven't had date night since he encountered tatsumi again. i'm readying divorce papers rn.

Coke is the most vile thing ever concocted by man not only does it look god awful but it also tastes like sewage if you're gonna drink sewage at least drink sprite the better non arguable and non negational option

30 years old and doesn't know how to cook. If i asked him to handle dinner for once he'd probably say something like "HiMERU contributes enough to this marriage through his innate sexiness…♪" and i'd kill us both (son note: and he's right? 🤨)

top 10 favorite things i like about HiMERU

  • his brother

The marriage certificate will be very confusing to explain


my walls….. if we bought a house together I feel like it'd be so unorganized and I'd have to do the work while my husband draws on the couch in crayons…

he's gay :(

i am not a homewrecker

I luv hiiro but I'd get rlly annoyed with rlly fast, he's just.... He's JUST. Would still date tho (son note: wrong character??? 😭😭😭)

hes so aroace

He would write on the wedding dress if inspiration struck him, costing thousands of dollars

he would compose with marker on my face while sleeping or in my house

5TH PLACE -- SHU ITSUKI (57 votes)

You cannot trust a French man.


HE mid bruh

hes brit

mika "owns a chainsaw" kagehira.

mika "has experience burying a body" kagehira.

mika "'if oshi-san gets married? someone will die'" kagehira.

Wim not risking my life for him idc how pretty he is 😭

his kakaka's will kill me and i'll probably spill fruit juice on madonee

many bad things would suddenly start occurring

He is the personification of constipation idk

this guy has so many issues

Will die without his daily supply of croissants

mika would bury me alive He's done it once with a friend who am i to say im safe

I love him but my god i cant handle perfectionism

This has nothing to do with Shu and everything to do with Mika. In Pretty Mission, Mika says that "people would die" if Shu got married. Arashi had no idea if the death in question was Mika's own from loneliness, or the murder Shu's hypothetical spouse. (It was probably both)

as a french person myself, trust me: you don’t want that


Tori Himemiya
im so sorry tori </3

he is just a little baby

I'm scared of him.

no comment.

does this need an explanation

He looks and act(mostly?) like a literal child I rather him to be my son than my brother honestly😭

he's too much of a son. I want to roll him into a ball and punt him across a football field

I'm scared of him.

sorry girl

I believe he's not ready yet, in the future maybe, but right now, just too immature for it. I do get that he probably does have marriage talks already, considering the fact that his parents want to marry off his little sister soon?? But honestly speaking, I don't think he's very suitable for it yet

i feel like i’d replace yuzuru and that’s something all three of us do not want.

3RD PLACE -- IZUMI SENA (59 votes)


i need to punch izumi sena in the face

i don’t know i think he would just drive me crazy i might end up@killing him

Love izumi with all my heart but she’s lowkey a bitch

i like izumi. i really truely do. i am an izumiP. However i am begging anyone who would choose him as the best husband to look at his behavior and reconsider for their sanity

he lives in ITALY !! Mama mia bitch

izumi sena

scratches head....

he'd only talk about his precious yuu-kun. there's clearly no space for me in his small ass heart. i just can't stand him. our divorce would not be a peaceful one.

its izumi thats why 😭

No comment

i want him.....

i thought about it a little 👍🏼

Just look at him for God's sake

Can you imagine having to deal with a husband who vomits blood any time you look remotely attractive. Like please stop embarrassing me.


he is rude!

already at least 3x divorced

I would've slept during his long ass monologues.

eichi (eichi)

i forgot what i was going to say

I don’t know

he kind of ruined lives? And a war i don't wanna be caught up in all that

Too rich

I can't stand him(he's my favourite character)

he’s so fucking annoying with his pranks he would probably prank blowing up the house, and then he gets hit with the divorce papers

He's already married. That man is in gay love with Wataru and you cannot get in the way of that. You are trying to seduce a married man. Good luck I guess but you're not getting anywhere he's got nothing but Wataru on the brain.

eichi (eichi) [like vriska]

I also want to put him in a jar and study him but instead of giving him treats I shake him violently every hour

1ST PLACE -- RINNE AMAGI (110 votes)

Rinne Amagi

Something Is Fucking Wrong With Him.

Rinnie Amagi.

too tall

i would be second to niki shiina :(

it's fucking rinne amagi

do I have to explain myself..?

He won the kr one why not let him win this one too ,plus i think hes more comfortable with niki more than anyone else

Only one person in this marriage is allowed to have a gambling addiction and it's me

Though he's sexy AF, I don't think my bank account agrees with me.

would [take] the joint during the sesh and id be miserable while he smokes the entire thing

it's rinne. do i need to elaborate?

Too tall

He is married already and he has red hair

i still dream of fistfighting him under the moonlight