current projects

playground about page

an about page that i made for fun with cute features such as a music player and a chatbox. the site has two different layouts for mobile and desktop to let me play more with my creativity.

lucky birthday ranking

a tool designed for users to easily retrieve their lucky birthday ranking based off of japanese birthday luck fortunes. inspired by my inability to locate my birthday on the small, blurry charts commonly reposted on twitter.


lead by @findermao, makotools is a website made to store data related to the game ensemble stars! music!!. the site currently has over 80 contributers and i've had lots of fun assisting as a dev and admin. the website is currently at version 0.3 with 0.4 on the way.

cafe shiinamon!

an incremental game i created out of boredom. synopsis: Niki finally quits being an idol, hoping to stay dedicated to cooking. However, he's fired from Cafe Cinnamon due to his past as an idol. Driven by his desire to stay in the food industry, he opens a new restaurant by himself. Now, he must work from the bottom up to sustain himself!


an enstars version of akinator featuring our favorite producer, anzu! she knows a lot about the idols and can help find the one you're thinking of. uses a lot of array filtering and is surprisingly not buggy!

enstars height comparison tool

a tool similar to hikaku-sittater that lets you compare the heights of ensemble stars characters directly. i am now addicted to jquery.

enstars webring

a webring is a collection of websites that revolve around a common theme. the concepot was popular in the 90's and early 2000's. i created a script to emulate a webring for enstars websites.

enstars marriage survey data visualization

i created a survey for fans of ensemble stars to decide which characters are most and least suitable for marriage. i plan on visualizing these results on this website for participants to observe, as well as announcing the results of the survey live on this site.

mini follower survey!

a mini survey i conducted among my followers to see who the most popular enstars characters and units are.

pc rice

after learning what ricing is and being hit with a strong desire to have the custom pc of my dreams, i decided to install an ubuntu-based os from scratch to rice my pc. this rice was inspired by niki shiina's sanrio card and was build on xubuntu.

upcoming projects

enstars on fire twitter bot

an anonymous person suggested rather than manually editing fire onto random card cgs, i should automate it and make it into a twitter bot. i will make it happen Starting February 9, we will no longer support free access to the Twitter API, both v2 and v1.1. A paid basic tier will be available instead

popular character visualization

the release of makotools 0.4 allows users to choose their favorite characters and units from enstars. i plan to use this data to create a visualization of the most popular characters and units among users.